Tom Pajdlhauser's Workshop Supply List
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These are the tools I use or recommend. The point is to be happy and comfortable with your own sketching tools. They do not make the art... that’s all you!
-Fountain Pen with a refillable piston or barrel. I use a fountain pen for the versatility and
dynamic range of line quality that is made possible by a flex nib.
Anything you are comfortable with will do but, here are some suggestions I've used:
Noodler's Ahab Flex Nib - great entry level
Daedalus Eyedropper with Zebra G flex nib - mid range
Icarus Eyedropper with Zebra G flex nib - mid range
My personal favorites:
BAMF with Zebra G flex nib - High range
Striata with Zebra G flex nib - High range (Currently using)
Waterproof Fountain pen ink (do not use china or india ink with a fountain pen) I draw in ink first, then paint with watercolour over the line. It is important to have a fast drying waterproof ink.
DeAtramentis Black - quick dry. Non-corrosive*
Platinum Carbon Ink - quick dry. A little corrosive to the nib (Currently using)
Micron or Staetdler pens are a good alternative to a fountain pen because they dry
waterproof. If you are more comfy with these.. be my guest! No need to frustrate yourself with a fountain pen. It's all about enjoying the tools.
Portable watercolour palette. Any will do.. I'm currently trying this Art Tool Kit one out because I like the customization and size.
I use earth tones in my palette:
Ultramarine Blue
Neutral tint
Cadmium Red
Alizarin Red
Cadmium Yellow
Raw Umber
Burnt Sienna
Yellow Ochre
*White Gouache (for highlights and touch ups) can be in a tube or fill one of your cake trays and
let it dry like watercolour.
Pencil for blocking in rough compositions (something to sharpen it with)
small kneadable easer if you want to roll your rough pencil lines away after inking.
Small roll of double sided tape for scrapbooking receipts, postcards and photos
I bring a small fuji instamax around and I love collaging photos into my sketchbooks.
Watercolour Paint brushes. I'm not against anyone wanting to use water-brushes (barrel full of water) but I don't use them, nor do I have much experience with them.
Round watercolor brushes. I use a 10, 8 and 2.
Bottle of water and container for mixing water
Watercolour sketchbook
This is totally subjective... I tend to switch it up often, to try different sizes and paper. Bigger books offer more opportunity for expressive compositions. Smaller books are easier to pack and quicker to sketch in...Here are some books I've used in the past:
Pentallic these have been my all time fav. 8.5 x 11"
Strathmore Watercolour travel journal
Etchr cold press watercolor A4 (Currently using)
A small portable stool if you get tired of standing or don't like sitting on the ground.
I stuff it all into a little shoulder bag...
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