Suddenly Noticing the View
Has this ever happened to you? You're on vacation and you stop everything you're doing to watch the sunset. Why do we do that? Because once we step away from the daily grind we finally have room in our minds to look around us and really see. That's when we suddenly notice sunsets and blue skies. The real question should probably be, why don't we do that more often?
Arriving at the top of a hilltop village in Provence, without exception, everyone in our group exclaims "Woah"! The views are breathtaking: miles upon miles of olive groves and vineyards. Shadows from the clouds flit across the patchwork of fields. In the distance tiny villages. Everything looks immaculate and ordered.
These views are meant to be painted. Afterwards the view is burned into our memories because we took the time to really look. To notice that town has two steeples and that field looks like lavendar and over there is an ancient Roman aquaduct--so cool!
Then, after treating ourselves to something delicious beyond words because we worked hard and we deserve it (oh my gosh--decisions, decisions), we're off to visit Cezanne's studio or an art gallery or an ancient palais.
And of course, we have picked up some lovely new friends along the way. Join us this April 25-29, 2025 for a 5-day vacation workshop featuring watercolor classes with Irish urban sketcher, Sebastian Thommen.
For more information click HERE.
Early Bird discount! Book before Nov 26 and save $200!